
A configuration file in YAML format is made of one or more targets to check. It’s possible to separate the targets using --- between them.

Each target defines the webpage to check, the parser to use to analyze the content, the extraction type to execute, whether to trasform the relative URLs to absolute URLs (from /address to http://website/address for example), one or more filters used to extract or transform the results and the target status, used to enable or disable the target into the configuration file.


Ciascun obiettivo si compone di un indirizzo (URL) da controllare, un parser usato per analizzare il contenuto dell’URL, un tipo (type) che determina come interpretare il contenuto della pagina, uno stato (status) che indica se eseguire le verifiche per l’obiettivo oppure ignorarlo.

Each target has the following definition:

NAME a unique name to identify the target

URL the page URL to monitor for changes. You can also specify github:user/repository to point to a GitHub repository

PARSER the parser (see the Parser page) to use to process the URL

TYPE specify the type of items to extract from the page (see the Type page)

ABSOLUTE_URLS a boolean value (true/false) to make the processed URLs as absolute by pre-pending the website from the URL

FILTERS is a list of filters to apply to find or transform the matched items (see the Filters page)

HEADERS a dictionary with the headers to set for the request (see the Headers page)

STATUS a boolean value (true/false) to enable or disable the target

Configuration example file

NAME: watchpage
PARSER: html5lib
TYPE: links
  - STARTS: ''
  - ENDS: '.tar.gz'
  User-Agent: 'WatchPage'
  Foo: 'Bar'
STATUS: true