AdminTextInputFilter Filter

Available since version 0.4.0.


The filter class AdminTextInputFilter can be used to define new filter types, which can be directly used in the code or through ListFilter.

class AdminTextInputFilter:
    title = None
    parameter_name = None
    lookup_condition = None
    lookup_condition_advanced = None

By creating a new inherited class from the previous it will be possible to define new textual filters to add to Django Admin.


The following members are available into the class:

Name Type Description
title Character Specifies the title shown for the new filter
parameter_name Character Field name to filter, using lookup_condition
lookup_condition Character Condition to apply to parameter_name to filter records
lookup_condition_advanced Character Advanced condition used to filter records

The lookup_condition value is the same used for Field lookups and along with parameter_name is used to filter the model records.

The valid values for lookup_condition are the following:

Valore Description Case insensitive
exact Filters the records whose value equals the specified value No
iexact Filters the records whose value equals the specified value Yes
contains Filters the records whose value contains the specified value No
icontains Filters the records whose value contains the specified value Yes
in Filters the records whose value is contained into the specified value No
gt Filters the records whose value is alphabetically greater than the specified value No
gte Filters the records whose value is alphabetically greater or equal than the specified value No
lt Filters the records whose value is alphabetically lower than the specified value No
lte Filters the records whose value is alphabetically lower or equal than the specified value No
startswith Filters the records whose value begins with the specified value No
istartswith Filters the records whose value begins with the specified value Yes
endswith Filters the records whose value ends with the specified value No
iendswith Filters the records whose value ends with the specified value Yes
regex Filters the records whose value matches the specified regular expression No
iregex Filters the records whose value matches the specified regular expression Yes

The lookup_condition_advanced value can be used as alternative for lookup_condition to specify a custom filter.

Usage examples

For some usage examples refer to the page Usage examples.